Speaker: Marianne Messer
Marianne Messer continued our series "A Power-Filled Life" with "Living the Life", looking at Ephesians 2:1-18, challenging us about where our power comes from and reminding us that as followers of Jesus we sit Him in all His glory

Speaker: Michael Varney
Michael Varney continued our series "A Power-Filled Life" with "Be Filled", looking at Ephesians 5:17-18, using the acronym ATO (Ask, Trust Obey) to encourage us to experince the joy, the power to proclaim and the power to overcome sin which…

Speaker: Michael Varney
Michael Varney continued our new series "A Power-Filled Life" with "Receive the Power", looking at John 3:1-7 and reminding us that we cannot be part of or experience the kingdom of God/heaven unless we are born again - spiritually transformed/renewed/sanctified…

Speaker: Dave Morris
Dave Morris commenced our new series "A Power-Filled Life" with "Discover the Power Giver", exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in both new Old and New Testaments and the power we have as believers through the Spirit to be…