Jesus Christ is Lord! This is the title of our current teaching series as we have explored the centrality of Jesus to everything we believe through Paul’s letter to Collosae (Anglesea). The last two weeks we have considered two stumbling blocks to following Jesus; His Lordship, that he is king and we must be obedient to Him and that Jesus died for us, we all fall short and can only be reconciled with God through Jesus’ sacrificial death. I’m good enough , I don’t need Jesus to die for me…besides if God is fair and just then I’ll be ok when I get to the pearly gates are common perceptions as illustrated in this video
Is it ignorance or rejection of the good news that is the stumbling block?
The reason for the season is Jesus, without Jesus we can never be good enough in the presence of a holy God. Jesus, in stepping on the scales of the good-onemeter, takes our place paying the price for where we fall short so that we may find peace, the fullness of shalom, in a restored relationship with God.
Is it ignorance or rejection of the good news that is the stumbling block?
The reason for the season is Jesus, without Jesus we can never be good enough in the presence of a holy God. Jesus, in stepping on the scales of the good-onemeter, takes our place paying the price for where we fall short so that we may find peace, the fullness of shalom, in a restored relationship with God.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53;5)
The heart of Isaiah’s song of a suffering servant is the eternal gospel message that Jesus loves us.
As children of God we have been blessed to be a blessing to others. Through prayer and preparation the King of the universe invites us to journey with Him to take the stumbling blocks in the lives of our friends, family and neighbours and turn them to stepping stones to eternal life.
What do you think? Is this true? What is this your experience?