Who or what do you follow? Football, fashion, food or people?

A quick look at social media would suggest that music, football and reality TV personalities are the most followed. Our culture’s obsession with reality TV means we can also follow the highs and lows of the not so famous as they are pushed to find a life partner, cook food, lose weight, build a home, sing a song or just survive. They can be entertaining shows but not always for the best reason as an individual’s character flaws rather than virtues are deliberately brought out. As you follow your favourite personality do you laugh, cry or learn from their behaviour?

As followers of Jesus we have much to learn from the one we follow. Yet following Jesus requires more than simply ticking a “like” button; it requires faith. Faith to believe that Jesus did exist, that He rose from the dead and is at the right hand of God and holds all authority in heaven and on earth and will come again. This is the Jesus we seek to follow, how well do you know Him? Do you know Him well enough to know how He would behave in the highs and lows of life? Do you know him well enough to talk about Him? To introduce Him to someone else?

In your talking this week is there one thing about Jesus that you can tell?

Sunday worship at 11:00 a.m. at the Uniting Church, Murch Crescent.


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